neuroaide is a report writing assistant that accelerates and simplifies your evaluation process.
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our mission
We understand the desperate needs of families in search of neuropsychological evaluations and the capacity constraints faced by evaluators.
We also understand the time and labor-intensive nature of the writing process, and the care you put into ensuring each report is an accurate representation of your client and their unique needs.
At neuroaide, our goal is to help you produce high quality reports in a fraction of the time.
neuroaide reports are designed to capture the essence of each individual, by synthesizing both your qualitative observations and test results - there’s no boilerplate and no two reports are the same, because no two individuals are the same.
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Our Goal
neuroaide helps you better serve your clients by delivering high-quality reports in a fraction of the time. We generate a comprehensive draft of your report using the notes, observations and test results from your evaluation.
neuroaide's output accelerates the delivery of your finalized report with greater ease.

What neuroaide does

From unformatted notes, observations and/or intake forms, to cohesive, well-organized Background and Behavioral Observations sections.

Turning test scores and related observations into narratives for each respective Test Results section, highlighting key results and salient observations.

Receive a comprehensive report draft including a fully formatted appendix, proofread for grammar, spelling, and clarity, that you can revise, personalize, and finalize with ease.

neuroaide does NOT
Deliver a finalized report.
Think of neuroaide as an apprentice that can take your raw notes and test results and generate a fully formatted and comprehensive draft report, that isn't exactly yours... just yet.
Our Mission
We understand the desperate needs of families in search of neuropsychological evaluations and the capacity constraints faced by evaluators.
Our goal is to help you deliver high-quality reports in a fraction of the time.
neuroaide reports are designed to capture the essence of each individual, by synthesizing both your qualitative observations and test results - there’s no boilerplate and no two reports are the same, because no two individuals are the same.