frequently asked questions

neuroaide is built for qualified professionals conducting neuropsychological or psychoeducational evaluations. Our product supports professionals testing for a wide range of potential neurodevelopment, learning and mental health challenges, across pediatric and adult populations, including conditions such as ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, learning disabilities, and related neurodevelopmental and mental health challenges.

neuroaide does not yet support evaluations focused on brain injuries, stroke, dementia, or other acquired neurological conditions.

neuroaide generates comprehensive drafts of neuropsychological and psychoeducational reports. The platform supports inputs from over 200 widely used tests, evaluation notes and form/intake data, transforming this information into a well-organized report broken into sections. You can customize the structure of the report by selecting the sections to include and the order in which they appear.

A typical neuroaide-generated report might include sections such as:

  • Tests Administered
  • Reason for Referral
  • Background
  • Behavioral Observations
  • Intellectual Functioning
  • Attention & Executive Functioning
  • Memory
  • Visual-Spatial & Motor Processes
  • Reading
  • Written Language
  • Mathematics
  • Social-Emotional Functioning
  • Summary of Test Results
  • Recommendations

By delivering these sections, neuroaide helps streamline your reporting process, reducing the time and effort required to produce high-quality reports tailored to each client.

Yes and No.

Yes: neuroaide allows you to customize your reports in several ways, including the sections generated, their order and the content based on the specifics of the evaluation and tests administered. Each neuroaide-generated report is uniquely tailored to the client, reflecting their individual circumstances and abilities. This customization streamlines the reporting process, saving you valuable time while maintaining quality.

To further personalize your reports, neuroaide offers options to adjust the writing to align with your style. By tailoring the output to your preferences, neuroaide minimizes the need for extensive revisions, enabling you to focus on delivering expert insights to your clients.

No: While neuroaide offers robust customization options, it does not yet replicate your unique writing style perfectly. However, we’re actively working to enhance our platform to better meet this need.

neuroaide complies with HIPAA's Privacy Rule by applying the “safe harbor” de-identification standard under 45 CFR § 164.514(b)(2). This process involves systematically removing all 18 identifiers specified by HIPAA, ensuring that any data sent to our platform is de-identified and no longer qualifies as protected health information (PHI).

De-identification is performed entirely on the client side within your browser, meaning any identifiable information exists only on your local device and is never transmitted to neuroaide. Only de-identified data is shared, stored, or used within our platform. By processing data locally before transmission, we mitigate the risk of exposure and ensure compliance with HIPAA’s Privacy Rule.

Please note that while neuroaide is designed to meet HIPAA standards, users are responsible for ensuring compliance in their specific workflows and use cases.

neuroaide is designed to prioritize privacy and security by performing all de-identification of protected health information (PHI) directly in your web browser. This means that any PHI you input never leaves your device.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Local Processing: The de-identification process occurs entirely within your browser. Our tool transforms all HIPAA identifiers into non-identifiable terms, such as "[Client]."
  2. Secure Transformation: Identifiers like names, dates, and other personal details are removed or replaced with anonymous placeholders, ensuring the data is completely de-identified and cannot be linked to any individual.
  3. No PHI Transmission: Once the data is de-identified, it is securely transmitted to our servers. Because de-identification happens before any transmission, no identifiable patient information is ever sent or stored on our platform.

This approach ensures that you maintain full control over your data’s privacy. By performing de-identification locally in your browser, we eliminate any risk of transmitting PHI, offering you and your organization the highest level of compliance and peace of mind.

Absolutely! You can try neuroaide with no strings attached before signing up. We want to be sure the product adds real value for you and your practice. 

After a brief demo to walk you through the platform and best practices, you'll be able to use neuroaide free of charge so you can make an informed decision as to whether or not it is right for your practice.

Schedule a demo to try neuroaide

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